“Program your future” is a nationwide educational program aimed at raising practical programming skills among pupils of secondary schools studying information technology.
Progress and development of new technologies creates a demand in the labor market for people with competence in the field of computer science. Today, in Poland there is approx. 50 thousand skilled professionals in the IT industry, while in the European Union up to 10 times as much. The current trend in the development of modern technology will shape our future for many years.
The future’s name is programming.
The “Program your future” is an initiative of Transition Technologies, a Polish IT company, which has been creating mobile applications and innovative solutions for the industry for 25 years.
The program will run in the cities in which Transition Technologies has its regional branches: Koszalin, Kielce, Lublin, Lodz, Ostrow Wielkopolski and Bialystok.
The program which runs in chosen schools includes 7 main areas:
Patronage for one of the classes
Extracurricular activities in basic programming
Training for students and teachers
Participation in the creation of the so-called grid activities
Contests with prizes for winners of school’s internal programing competitions
Promoting the best students and graduates with outstanding knowledge
and skills in IT
Students on extracurricular activities (conducted by our employees) in their school, gain knowledge of the basics of programming, which prepares them better for the job.
The program is implemented by Transition Technologies and secondary schools in cooperation with the city authorities.
the choice of studies related to information technology and to convince to study at universities located in your city or nearby
school’s educational offer
students to start a career through internships and practices.
the most talented individuals which have outstanding IT competences.